Fade sun and age spot naturally

If you are old enough to be concerned about age and sun spots you can try a few natural recipes to help fade them. Age spots (sun spots, liver spots, lentigines) usually appear in people over the age of 40 and are generally harmless. Age spots can be caused by sun damage (years of sun worship). More seriously they can  can be caused by impaired liver function or dietary and nutritional deficiencies. As we get older and our metabolism changes we need to take better care that our livers are not over loaded with toxins. If your liver is struggling it can result in spots on the skin. "Oxidation within the body and a lack of antioxidants in your diet can also play an important role in the development of age spots." 

Apple Cider Vinegar:  mixed with onion juice and applied directly to the skin is said to help remove age spots.

  • Blend a whole medium sized chopped onion with a little water until pulpy in a blender

  • Mix 1 to 1 with Apple Cider Vinegar (the good kind like Braggs)

  • Dab on to age spots and let sit for at least a half hour. 

  • Repeat daily for at least 6 weeks

Lemon Juice: Use the juice from a fresh squeezed lemon applied with a cotton ball nightly on your age spots. Over time the acids in the lemon juice will help to lighten them. Some people say mixing lemon juice and turmeic powder works really well too.

Castor Oil: Has been used by women for years to help remove age spots. Dab it on and leave over night as part of your routine (if the spots are on your hands invest in some cotton gloves to keep your sheets free of stains).


  • Apple Cider Vinegar is good for your liver take 1T full every morning to help keep your liver happy and healthy.

  • Take a selenium supplement daily

  • Take Vitamin E, 500 units per day

  • Ginseng, Dandelion Root, Licorice, Gotu Kola and Sarsaparilla are also beneficial to the liver.

My Love Your Liver Veggie Juice 

  • 1 carrot

  • 1/2 small beet

  • 1 stick celery

  • 1 cucumber

  • 1/4 Small Cabbage

Beets are said to be especially great for pushing your liver to release toxins (no more than 1/2 beet per day).  Cabbage also contains compounds that help the liver function properly and are said to be great for fighting stomach ulcers. Celery and carrots are powerful intestinal cleansers and contribute to the detoxification process.


Tired Eye Natural Fixes


Herbal Vinegars - the basics